Saturday, November 27, 2010

Myoma...What Every Woman Should Know

My mother-in-law, Gemma Sebastian-Asne, was confined in Philippine General Hospital due to multiple myoma uteri (4 myomas found), anemia secondary to acute blood loss. Exploratory laparatomy, total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy under spinal anesthesia were the procedures done. After 6 days, she was discharged and now under recovery and medication.

Myoma uteri are defined as a benign growth of smooth muscle fibers in the wall of the uterus. These are solid tumors made of fibrous tissues; hence it is often called a 'fibroid' tumor.

Symptoms: Abnormal uterine bleeding, pain, urinary frequency, sudden pain, impaired infertility

Causes: caused by estrogen dominance. Women are getting too much estrogen relative to progesterone. Estrogen, in general, tells your body cells to proliferate.Progesterone tells your body cells to slow down. Progesterone says that your cells should mature and not reproduce.

Treatments: Oral steroids and surgery (Myomectomy and Hysterectomy)

To further understand the treatments and procedures need to be done, here are the following definitions:

Myomectomy - surgical removal of fibroids from the uterus and allows the uterus to be left in place and makes pregnancy more likely than before

Hysterectomy - surgery to remove the uterus and, sometimes, the cervix.

Total hysterectomy - when the uterus and part or the entire cervix is removed

Partial hysterectomy - when only the uterus is removed

Exploratory laparatomy - is used to visualize and examine the structures inside of the abdominal cavity. A laparotomy is a large incision made into the abdomen.

bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy - surgical removal of both sets of fallopian tubes and ovaries are removed


1 comment:

  1. hi ms sana mgkno po kya ngstos lht ng mother-in-law mo s pgh
