Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Things change as you grow old

I went to the National Bookstore and saw the Math Window Card. There was one day, my sister, Ate Ruth, who’s in the US, was talking to my niece, Raine, through yahoo messenger. She asked Raine if she knows how to multiply numbers. Since she’ll be turning Grade 4, she confidently answered her aunt that she can. My sister started asking her questions then Raine started giving her the answers. So I bought the math window cards that I saw and gave it to Raine so she could enhance her mathematical skills.

I remember when I was in Elementary; I was part of the Math Olympiad Team. We compete in different levels. When I was in Grade 2 or 3, (not sure of the grade level), I won the 3rd place in the district level in Epifanio De Los Santos Elem. School. When I was in High School, Math was my favorite subject and when it comes to Math competitions, it was me who reigned. I even took Bachelor of Science in Accountancy when I was in college.

Some people thought that I will be a successful accountant, even my parents. But it was the opposite. After finishing 1st semester of BS Accountancy, I decided to shift course. I shifted and graduated with a course of Liberal Arts major in Psychology, a course that doesn’t include more than 2 Math subjects. Funny isn’t it? I like Math since I started studying but later on, with no reason at all, I hated the subject when I was growing up. Maybe I was fed up, I don’t know and until this day, I still don’t have the answer.

When you grow old, your preferences, your dream, your ambitions; everything changes. There are lots of factors affecting your will that you may not be aware of, like your surroundings, your family, your friends and the things that you encounter each and everyday. You might disappoint some people because you didn’t pursue their dreams for you. But you also have to let them know, that you as an individual has your own dreams. By following your heart and dreams, you’ll become a better and a happy person.

I didn’t end up as an Accountant or a Psychologist, no regrets for the decisions I had made, because I am happy and contented and that’s what matters most.

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