Thursday, April 16, 2009

Threatened Abortion

March 21, 2009; I was in the office around 3am, I felt abdominal pain and mild uterine cramping, feels like having dysmenorrhea. My supervisor instructed me to go to the clinic right away. I was advised by the doctor to lie down on my left side for an hour. After an hour, the pain is still there. The doctor advised me to go home and have urinalysis to check if I have urinary tract infection. I was negative for UTI, so the doctor advised me to rest for 7 days and asked me to take Duvadilan, it is used to treat premature labor. The diagnosis was threatened abortion.

After 6 days, I went to my OB for prenatal checkup. I have told her about what happened in the office. She’d checked if my cervix was open because if it was, I will be admitted that day. Good thing when she checked it, it’s close. But I have a lot of discharge (milky) which can cause problem. If this will go up to the uterus, I will definitely have preterm labor; I was advised to have an antibiotic once a day for 7 days, vaginal suppository in particular.

When I have heard about threatened abortion, I was so scared. I thought I will lose my baby. But the doctor explained that if this will be ignored, yes I will lose my baby. But after all the medications, I was finally ok. I thought, getting pregnant is easy, well... it’s not! Definitely not! I am not complaining because I know after all the hardships and sacrifices, it will pay off as soon as the baby arrives. And I am just looking forward for that day.

Baby Sannaj, mommy and daddy are so excited to meet and see you

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